Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy at Minneapolis Anti Aging & Skin Clinic

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

While hormone therapy itself is used across a wide variety of medical fields, over the past twenty years, “bioidentical” hormone therapy has become popular among cosmetic surgery patients. While it may sound complex, bioidentical hormones differ from traditional hormones. They are a molecular copy of a hormone already present in the body. In other words, bioidentical simply means that the hormones are biologically (and chemically) identical to hormones that already exist naturally within the body. This makes bioidentical hormones particularly useful because the body is already designed to use them.


Offering Bioidentical Hormone Therapy at our Golden Valley Location in Minneapolis

Traditionally administered hormones, on the other hand, are often composed of chemical substitutes (man-made) or substitutes derived from other animals. For example, there are some commonly prescribed substitutes for Estrogen that are, in fact, derived from pregnant mares’ urine.

While substitutes such as these may be functional, Bioidentical hormones take advantage of the fact that the human body has million of specifically articulated “receptors”—these receptors interact best and respond to exact molecular structures. Other hormone treatments attempt to fool those receptors, where as Bioidentical hormones do not need to do that.
Because Bioidentical hormones are, essentially, doing nothing more than replacing what the body is already adept and designed to use, side effects can be limited.

Learn More About Hormone Replacement

Giving chemically altered derivatives of hormones is a set up for unwanted and potentially serious or untoward side effects. Bioidentical hormones are simply replacing what the body is already designed to use and, thus, seem to be a more natural solution.

To learn more about Bioidentical hormone therapy, schedule a confidential consultation to speak to a healthcare professional. Relief from your symptoms could be within sight!

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is often employed as an integral part of an adequate age management program. After all, hormone deficiencies and imbalances often mirror the outward signs and symptoms of any aging process. Hormone replacement therapy is designed to alleviate these symptoms.

The hormones used in bio-identical hormones are molecular copies of the hormones that already exist in the body. Bioidentical hormones do not use animals or chemicals to derive close facsimiles of hormones within the body—rather, they are molecular matches.

This commitment to bioidentical hormones means excellent results for our patients, who often report improvements in muscle tone, an increased ability to lose weight, more energy, more clarity of thought, and an increase in motivation. Other patients report improvements in the health of hair, nails, and skin—as well as an improvement in sleep patterns. Hormone Replacement Therapy using bioidentical hormones address many symptoms of aging, and most patients report a significant improvement to overall quality of life.

Pellet Therapy

There are many ways to administer Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). These therapies can be administered using gels or skin creams, as well as through pills and dissolvable tablets. Hormones can even be administered via patches placed on the skin. However, one of the most effect methods of administering BHRT is through an implantable pellet—and this procedure is called Pellet Therapy. The pellets themselves are tiny, but when placed under the skin, they have the ability to administer hormones consistently for a period of anywhere between three and six months.

Hormone pellets have been used in the United States since they were first employed at the Medical College of Georgia. This is in addition to decades of use in the United Kingdom and other European nations. Hormone pellets are, essentially, highly compressed “discs” or “cylinders,” and they contain pure bioidentical hormones for therapy. The procedure used to place them under the skin is quick, painless, and simple procedure.

Unfortunately, U.S. patients are generally less familiar with Pellet Therapy. However, many practicing doctors are beginning to see that BHRT can help women cope with and mitigate symptoms related to perimenopause, menopause, PMS and other conditions associated with the process of aging.

Clinical experiences of many practicing doctors seem to indicate that Pellet Therapy creates a situation of what could be called “hormone on demand.” Because the hormone is already naturally present in the body, patients are able to siphon only what is needed off of the pellet, meaning that the pellet can achieve higher levels of the hormone in the blood while using smaller amounts of the hormone. This has the advantage of more closely approximating the body’s own hormone distribution systems—in stark contrast to methods that cause peaks and valleys of hormones in the system.

Patients who have undergone pellet therapy are also able to achieve higher levels of the hormone, which yields an increase in preventative benefits, including the building of bone. Compared to other hormones, this is a major improvement. According to recent studies, some pharmaceuticals can arrest or reverse bone loss by 1 or 2% a year. Hormone pellets, on the other hand, can arrest or reverse bone loss by 8-9% a year.

With fatigue mitigated, sleep improved, and libido returned to more normal levels, women on BHRT will generally look and feel much better. Other positive changes will take place over time, including improvements in the integrity and appearance of hair, skin, and nails. Additionally, mood may improve, anxiety levels may abate, and well-being may increase. And it’s all thanks to Pellet Therapy.


“I was on hormone therapy, previously, and felt that my symptoms – low energy, mood fluctuation, sleep problems … were returning. After my initial consultation, and blood work up confirming my low hormone levels, Kelsey put me on pellet therapy. Its been a big change! I tried creams and patches but the pellets have been the best! I no longer have to worry about consistency of dosage and my symptoms have greatly reduced. Stop suffering and make an appointment for a consultation today!” — Marilyn, 63*

*Testimonials are direct quotes from real patients. Statements reflect the individual experiences of patients and do not guarantee specific results.

Nutraceutical Supplementation

Nutrition and Supplementation

Health and nutrition are never necessarily easy. In fact, the pathway to health and wellness can be quite complex, necessitating appropriate supplementation.

One way to achieve health and nutrition is to keep an eye on what is available naturally. Indeed, the nutrients that keep you healthy and sustain your body are available via whole, unprocessed foods. Artificial foods, such as refined carbohydrates and trans-fats, serve no dietary purpose as far as your body is concerns (and in fact, can lead to modern diseases such as Type II Diabetes). So keep eating those natural, unprocessed, and whole foods.

The next step is to ensure you have appropriate nutrients in your body, as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and so on are all vital to the proper functioning of the body. When you are unable to maintain adequate levels of nutrients, even while engaging in a “healthy” diet, you may need to turn to supplements to make sure your body gets everything it needs.

Multivitamin and Multimineral supplements can help you with that supplementation. There are also times when you may need additional supplementation, such as when your cholesterol, blood sugar, or blood pressure become medically concerning. You can discuss “Pharmaceutical Grade” supplements with your physician in order to ensure that you are getting everything your body needs as well as be sure you obtain as safe and effective product.
If you are interested in scheduling a hormone therapy treatment, contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy FAQs

What is a Bioidentical Hormone?
Bioidentical Hormones are hormones of the exact molecular or chemical structure of natural human hormones.

How are Bioidentical Hormones different from more traditional hormones?
Most traditionally used, mainstream hormones are derived either from animals (often horses) or chemically. Most pharmaceuticals actually want to create a difference between their hormones and human hormones because it enables them to file a patent. These differences may seem small, but animal or chemical-derived hormones are not properly recognized by the human body. Bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical to natural human hormones.

How are Bioidentical Hormones administered?
Bioidentical hormones are most commonly administered during hormone replacement therapy via “pellets”—small discs or cylinders that are placed under the skin during a simple, painless office procedure. During Pellet Therapy, these pellets dissolve slowly and therefore yield a stable, steady hormone level for up to six months at a time. Otherwise, creams or gels may be used to administer the hormone therapy. Generally, these therapies are administered twice daily.

What is a Hormone Pellet?
Hormone Pellets are small, cylinder shaped hormone preparations. They are generally smaller than a grain of rice and contain only 100% hormone. These pellets are hand made by a compounding pharmacy.

How is a Hormone Pellet different from any other form of hormone therapy?
Because they produce a consistent, high, and steady level of hormone delivery over a lengthy period of time, hormone pellets are quite unique. Most other methods produce hills and valleys in hormone distribution—or a “roller coaster” effect. Pellet therapy is steady and, therefore, superior.

What are the side effects of Hormone Therapy, if there are any?
When it comes to Bioidentical hormone therapy, there are no long term or permanent side effects. Your physician will, of course, discuss any potential side effects thoroughly with you during your consultation. In general, any side effects will be mild and temporary.

How long until hormone therapy starts to work?
Generally, it will take anywhere between 2-3 for women and 4-6 weeks for men to begin seeing the results of hormone therapy. However, this will vary on a patient-to-patient basis. Some patients will notice a complete relief of their symptoms, while others may go through a period of adjustment.

How often will I need to come in for Hormone Therapy?
Most patients will need to be in contact every 3-6 weeks for monitoring of goals—at least at first. Some of this may be accomplished over the telephone, and once the patient has sufficiently adjusted to the hormone therapy, follow-ups are required only once every four to six months.

How will hormone therapy interact with my other health problems or medications?
Your healthcare professional will, of course, discuss any interactions with your quite thoroughly. Generally, however, there are very few interactions between commonly prescribed drugs and hormones. Additionally, most health problems do not preclude treatment from Bioidentical hormone therapy.

Will Bioidentical Hormone Therapy cause changes in my weight?
The short answer is no. Bioidentical hormone therapy will not cause you to gain weight. In fact, Bioidentical Hormone Therapy returns your body’s anabolic abilities to the range it was in when you were younger—meaning that, when combined with diet and exercise, it may actually be easier to lose weight.

Individual results may vary.


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Golden Valley


4825 Olson Memorial Hwy #201
Golden Valley, MN

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M - Th 9am-7pm | F 8am-5pm | Sat (by appt) 8am-4pm

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