Minneapolis Aesthetician - What is an Aesthetician in the Twin Cities Medical Spa Setting?

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What is an Aesthetician?

Looking up an aesthetician in a dictionary won't give you the full definition of what this valued member of the team does.


Going Beyond the Definition

This dictionary definition certainly does describe the core of our training and the general scope of what we can do.  Although, I believe we offer a  lot more than what is listed in that lengthy Wikipedia description.  At the Minneapolis Anti Aging and Skin Clinic in particular, many of our staff have had dozens of extra courses in the medical arenas of skin care.   But, when you put the credentials aside, to those that end up on our treatment table, we are or become ; sounding boards, sometimes counselors, we are skin coaches, life coaches, cheerleaders, confidants, self esteem boosters, motivators and more.  You see to those of us who know the impact we can have on how others look, and subsequently how they feel, we become whatever the patient needs that day.  … yes, at the Minneapolis Skin Clnic, you are a patient, not a client.  We say that because when you walk in the door, we are devoted to taking care of you, not just exchanging money for service.

A Highly Skilled Team

The Minneapolis Anti Aging and Skin Clinic skincare team is comprised of 6 highly skilled licensed aestheticians,  with a cumulative total of nearly 90 years of experience!  Wow!  That is impressive, isn’t it?  We do mark success by the result and the outcome, but that doesn’t mean that you have to be harshly aggressive all the time doing only lasers, chemical peels and prescription products.   Sometimes something so simple as a great brow wax or a clinical facial can have a great impact on someone’s self esteem.   We are not only experts in maintaining and improving healthy skin at the epidermal layer, like Wikipedia says.  We are a group of hard working, dedicated women, who also specialize in providing the joy that comes from our patients looking better and feeling better than they did when you walked through the office door 30 minutes earlier.


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Our Locations

Golden Valley


4825 Olson Memorial Hwy #201
Golden Valley, MN

Office Hours

M - Th 9am-7pm | F 8am-5pm | Sat (by appt) 8am-4pm

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Maple Grove


7748 Main St. N
Maple Grove, MN

Office Hours

M & T 9am-7pm | W Closed | Th 9am-7pm | F 8am-5pm | Sat (by appt) 8am-4pm
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